Install Lifemade on your own Server for a lifetime

Self Hosted Hospital Management Software

Lifemade offers a specialized solution designed for the unique requirements and high standards of hospitals and clinics. This solution provides the flexibility to manage data infrastructure effectively while meeting specific needs and demands within the healthcare setting.

Lifemade can be installed as an On Premise Hospital Management Software allowing it to operate entirely on the web by installing it on the client’s web server. Lifemade provides the business with full control over both the server and software, allowing for access from any device at any time.


Your business statistics, reports, data, and important information are highly secure with our product. The software will be installed on your server, giving you full control over both the server and the software.


Lifemade is a cost-effective self-hosted software with a one-time fee for customers purchasing it for a lifetime. There are no additional monthly, annual or hidden charges.

No Limitation

Lifemade has no restrictions. You can add as many patients accounts as you need, schedule unlimited appointments, and write unlimited prescriptions.

Total Control

Lifemade grants you complete control as the super admin, allowing you to manage accounts by removing or modifying them as needed.

Easy to Access

Doctors have constant access to patient records, prescriptions, appointments, and bills from anywhere, whether they are in the hospital/clinic or not. This allows doctors to view patient records remotely at all times.

Professional Appearance

Enhance patient satisfaction by offering convenient access to their health records on their smartphones. Patients can easily schedule appointments with just one click.